Chameleon series
Kyntaline series
Syakarp series
Plovence series
Dinastar series
Fluorocarbon series
Cosmetic series
Baroque series
Industrial grade series
Crystal series
Diamond series
Chameleon series
Titanium crystal series
Starry Series

Product Information

Chameleon generates unique optical illusions that show multi-colors depending on the viewing angle. With strong mirror-like effects, Chameleon series is controlled by strict particle size distributions and multi-layer metal oxide coatings. Delivering high luster and strong variation color effects, Chameleon is superior to the market.

Product Characteristics

High transparent substrate ensures purity, strong variation of color effects dependent on the angle of observation, sophisticated color with elegant luster.

Application Features

For nail polish designer, the formulation with our Chameleon series could be a good choice. Such fascinating changing color never faded in color trend of nail polish.